Showing posts with label Together. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Together. Show all posts

Monday, October 19, 2020

Halloween Game Cosmic Rules and Planetary Connections

First Rule is that there really nare no rules in the cosmic order, t+

Linking servers to create an interactive online game, that not only is an additional feature to a major portal but promotes and helps tp balance load but to appear as seamless. Will require a pearl gate to keep age restrictions and parental controls in check. A simple MySQL database to records hits, number, names and scores. 12 signs, 7 planets 4 elements... to start and each member assigned to a group according to their birth date. The teams set according to their planets, alliance can be temporary or long term according to their elements.

The first portion will be the lead to Halloween and it is going to be based simply on point scores as to how many time a sign is made and capured but as the game evolves there will be additional features in the form of charms that will creat an interactive journey into the darkness of space and time.

Time is going short as Halloween approches, the veil thins between world... There is despiration and fear but there's also hope. The Meet is made, by the second Full phase moon and the sacrade circle set with all the protection the moonlight can provide. As the circle is set each enters thru the vapors led by none other than the man himself, tho in spirit still full of mischief, and his beloved familiar now reincared as a faithful Carpathian Wolf K9 Marilyn.