Sunday, May 06, 2007

One Last Time from a Moment by One of Opera's Brightest Stars

"A kiss upon the hand of someone you truly love is more beautiful, and more valuable than any diamond or gem could ever be."

Opera's Brightest Stars Maria Callas

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Imus fired for less... Alanis Morissette invades "Gangsta Rock".

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Just in Walter Reed Hospital is over due face lift by none other than the amazing Make up Artist Starlit Ann Coulter... At least according to Cosmic Comics Dave Jefferson. Let hope for the sake of the families of this nations finest are provided first class care and kind consideration that they deserve... And DEMAND. A cosmetic twist by Spin Doctor Coulter more likely to result in an avalanche of rolling heads. Can private hospitals pick up the slack for the Army and if so what's next... Stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

This Just in!
StockReport Indicator
by Dave

China is having problems with StarBucks inside the "Forbidden City" and on the other side of the coin the rest of the world cannot get enough... Prime indicator China still cannot satisfy the world demand for tennis shoes. Prince Charles has suggested we close down the "Golden Arches". Eat less at MacDonalds, Buy Adidas run more... The simple path to World Peace, health and happiness. Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 09, 2007

A Special Report
by David Jefferson
 Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Lucky7Star's Choice Christmas Song of the Year!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Halloween Psychics Listings Halloween Update!

It has come to my attention that many who are listed would like to take calls from other invitations from around the country and then decide which one they would like to attend... Either a convention for the main party or go with another alternative. To help in facilitating this very important issue it has been recommended that a call button is placed by the name of each psychic advisor...

Lucky7Star's Halloween Psychic List

by Psychic News Network's Lucky7Star --

This is from one of my first blogs that ignited a real firestorm on Keen. I suppose some just do not like getting rated independent of their keen star system. So anyone that would like to place their own review on any of these feel free to rate away! If it generates interest maybe a forum will be opened up just for writing reviews and rating advisors.

Welcome to This Lucky7Star’s first blog and best wishes for a Happy New Year… Oy Vey as some of my friends might say (with a side of grits) I do think I feel the love… Greetings and welcome all to the opening of Lucky7Star’s Psychic Mall! A special invitation to join membership for all especially the United Artist Psychic Guild’s media graphics and Dynamic Drive design group.

Also a special welcome is extended to some wonderful friends from the psychic side of Keen. Friends whom I feel like I should take a moment to make mention but a few names because we are not only friends but a community of actual cyber space’s new age pioneers.

Halloween’s around the corner and here’s my short list that is sure to make your next holiday party a smashing sensation, my personal favorites, so get an early start on Tricks &Treats for a devilishly delightful and Happy Halloween!



PS These are in no special order just list to which anyone can add their own uncensored comments... I'm sure some may really hate this but here it is... Freedom is a wonderful thing!

Lucky7Star’s Top Psychic Stars from Keen








Peekaboo Psychic





psychic kelly93,


hopes visions


visons by ms paris




Purple Wizard


Lady Campbell of SanFrancisco

peekaboo Linda Kaye nice jewish psychic






Doctor Buzzard South Carolina




Psychic Medium Meri


Sosanna EarthAngel

Angelic Visions



Linda Larson

Spiritualist Julie


Roxanne Davis

Goddess Dawn Sandum


Steven Craig


Brigid Bishop







The Mathematician

Elizabeths Enchanted Visions

Homefire Vesta

opera singer

Golden Light

Gina Marie1


Queen of Cups18

Lady Celest




Stella by Starlight





Master Psychic Natalie







Lynn Hutchinson





Lil Mels Spiritual Shoppe

Ms Crystal Ball


Lady Aquarius


Silvana Leone





MingDynasty Clairvoyant


Love Angel 2






The Angels and D


Lady Astra

Your Guardian Angel


Blue Mystic Moon



Handmaiden of Tarot


madame sunrise






Bernadettes Vision



PS Anyone needing a free call button that never drops a call and up 24/7 with all the great free minute features without all the complicated problems and lousy draconian contract features visit:

Doctor Buzzard's Tasteless Tonic and Medicine Show!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Thank you for sending this Trinity!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Cosmic Fly Trap!
by Dave Jefferson

© August 2006

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Cosmic Comic's
Dave Jefferson
Strikes Again!

 Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Real Time with Bill Maher. Clip on global warming

This lovely clip was sent to me from "Trinity" (a.k.a. CarolAnn) Thanks sweetie!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Some more to add to the collection of Cosmic Comics "Shock and Awe!"
by Dave Jefferson

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Monday, July 31, 2006

Mindshock - Feral Children

This is the shocking story of the Dog Child and the sad plight of those who have suffered the consequences of extreme neglect (to the extent of being raise by animals). The toxic results from mild retarded development to full blown psychotic behavior… Sort of gives those fortunate enough to have children, even the ones from The Planet Zoldar a reprieve (of sorts) to pause, catch their breath, and count their blessings.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Unexplained World - Energy Circle at Cemetary S

We are constantly surrounded by this unknown and unseen energy… It is indeed an energy that possess some form of it own innate intelligence. For those who are sensitive to its presents… If seeing is believing then watch and judge for yourself.
Psychic Stars Orbs and Projects

Ok here is a new blog freed that I’m just calling Psychic Stars… For listings that might enjoy a little introduction to our little community. Plus it bring to the group and little ambiance of the type of spotlight to interesting work and projects that show some promise.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Pychic Psycho-rama Cosmic Comics Captons
by David Jefferson

Posted by Picasa

I think every one is going to enjoy the new portal that’s set for DoctorBuzzard’s Psycho-rama. I’ve got content management working so that I can bring on new collaborative efforts onto a new stage of an entirely new grove. I think you will enjoy the protective content features and news forum. I’m introducing a cosmic comic strip and platform for a story board for Psychic Psycho-rama. I’m give you sample here and then there will be features that you can download later. The idea is a kind of construct for the entire psychic community.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Psychic Psycho-rama DC Style

Well, looks like the First Amendment was saved by a single vote... Saved the flag by the light of a burning constitution is not maybe the best way to find your way thru the dark. I can’t believe that they’re placing this piece of legislation at the top of this nations priorities. Anything that they can frame in any manner they deem necessary to diminish and/or under cut our constitutional rights is on the table as a reason we to restrict our rights to free speech… From perverts hiding under the bed to the gangs of Godless communist rampaging across the country burning everyone’s sacred flag (not to mention the mom’s apple pie and every other cow and bull they can line up)... Which I think is clear to just about everyone in the country (Save for Justice Clarence Thomas)... for the self serving agenda of extending executive powers. I think it really comes down to ones who control (and have always in the same fashion as it’s the natural right of the elite class) over the masses. The controlled politics that their knowledge is the only real knowledge because their voice is the only one that counts. The anointed professional… but the world is changing and the truth will out. Alright, I've been away but I think maybe back with a new installment of Psycho Psychics, which I think maybe instead of running on my server that I'll place with You Tube which maybe included with a psychic tango to the tune of "La ci darem la mano"... In the meantime I may need to upload for those new to the list the first Psycho-rama with the core idea. I have the recommendation to go with Beethoven tho psychologist think nothing like a little Mozart tango to set the stage for Psycho-rama earworm spectacular. Share then the pleasures of love. Gather the rosebuds while ya may. I think with the results of Hurricane Katrina (the disaster that keeps on giving), what looks to be over 2 BILLION dollars in fraud fun, it was all told a rather comprehensive disaster. Still with only ten states prepared with a plan in hand for the next chapter in human tragedy looming. I was going to talk about the "ZERO Containment" policy vis a via the Avian Flu (which is actually vectoring a good 12 months ahead of schedule Well I'm just glad we have everyone's phone secure just incase there is some kind of perverted terrorist hiding under our bed laying in wait to use our phone at their first opportunity to complete their next dastardly plan of ATT Friends and Family calling program. On a lighter note the concern for the terrorist perverts seems so touching from many who voiced their main concern being, in the main, that the said pervert practices good hygiene and is a great performer in the sack… Left wing right wing seems to be just plain nonsense, in the light we have in power, a supposedly Republican President that has broken just about every constitutional conservative principal that has ever been conceived and at every possible opportunity use this to extend executive powers under the guise of so called “War Powers” under Article 2 of the very Constitution which it seems for all intent and purpose set to destroy… The only apparent interest is their own self serving agenda.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Just Plain NOT Right

Just Plain NOT Right.  

Okay, I’m not just not talking about not making the cut in “People’s” sexiest man alive survey   I’m just not talking about this MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY (nice keyword if you can spell it: ) But look when they do the CMA awards in New York and pass over or intentionally ignore just about every decent hillbilly song out there.  It’s like a beauty pageant where only the pigs are allowed to show.  You all know what I’m talking about; the debutant that wins the beauty contest but still the mystery remains as why anyone would bother to take her to a dogfight… Still hope floats.  Which brings me to point of why should any advisor worth their salt be cowered by the likes of Keen.  Nice site sure but can they control our privates life choices?  I don’t think so but I suppose they can if they have enough lawyers.  In this day and age most have lived long enough to experience the O.J. style of American justice.  

But hold on one sweet second… they might be tempted to think they can bully their advisors around because a reader may have the audacity to “offer payment option on their personal website” (Section 1 (k) TOS) enough to say   “You’ll not work in this city again!”, so to speak, but cyberspace covers a lot of territory. In addition they indiscreetly apply this policy to those they view might be a threat while others are provided very preferential treatment. This works fine if your running a country club but even The Augusta Master’s must obey laws that prohibit discrimination.   The entire world understands this concept and then there’s Google open source approach that will guarantee to bring such indiscretions to the top of their search engines for the entire world to see.  Hotel California stands to learn a trick or two from the SEO editors or find them forever lost in the wasteland of “who cares or gives a rats ass” if you can’t find your feet in the cyberspace search index.  Your stock, even the most potent of Internet portals, can become worthless overnight if no one can find it.

Now Keen can do whatever they decide to do because of their “Terms of Service” but still they are a “Publicly” traded company with a board of directors, bank lenders with share holders of common stock… Not to mention the court of public opinion and the Almighty all of whom we all must stand before and after we leave this world.  So although Keen may at first glance appear impressive with their deep pockets and blue army of attorneys ready for any litigious mission of combat that may cross their dockets and clerks of court… However, in the entire schema of theXML world of well formed documents, essentially all they amount to in sum total to a handful of servers loaded with some code and armed with paper with worthless contracts yet to be tested…. Not like we are talking actual brick and mortar buildings with factories producing real durable good.  The only thing they produce is information and the only thing that is of value is the quality of advisors they manage to cower into thinking that they are only show in town.  Like was once said in Hollywood when you were told that you “Would never work in this town again!” Under the old studio system, they had a way of making their rules and those words stick… So you either would play by the rules set by the Hollywood moguls or you would not play at all…

But the Internet, as Keen is about to discover, is a lot larger than any Hollywood or combination of studios might ever have dreamed but in a sense its just little bits of code that sit upon a desk of some ordinary hillbilly someplace in any small town America.  Now there’s a scary thought for any would be Internet tyrant because there are still accountable, no only to the Interstate Commerce Clause but also to local and state laws that can make any ruling on what they deem a “public body”.    Still in the entire schema of things in ten thousands years who is going to know or care…  Think back to only ten short years ago the Internet was in its infancy and Google was just a bright idea   Cell phones did not even exist… Imagine, if you dare the next ten, 20, perhaps even 50 years… Life is too short for any of this nonsense.  The market forces will correct any of this, even now Ebay is working with Skype on phone encryption with their partner  

Speaking Freely has been a stable voice encryption service that has been in the open source Linux market for almost five years now.  Why would Ebay spend almost 2 billion dollars on acquiring the VoIP Skype communication service???  I’m not sure but I’m certain it can’t be good news for “Bye bye Keen”…  The free market acts sort of like Robert Duvall’s character in Apocalypse Now… “I love the smell of napalm in the morning!  It smells like victory.”  And if you’re an advisor with Keen and you’ve done smelled a rat for too long it’s a breath of fresh air.  You’ve just got to love it.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Veterans Day

Veteran’s Day

My hair is grayed in just the past few days… the years I feel in moments.

Today is Veterans Day and making connections to the past.  That long gray line of ancestor’s family and friends that rest amid that sea of stone.  Those who have protected freedom passed thoughts though our minds, may we never take for granted.

Wouldn't you love it, if there were only 3 reasons that anythingever happened in time and space: Because I love you...Because you love them... OrBecause they love you? Yeah, that was a trick question. There are only 3 reasons that anything everhappens.
I love you,      The Universe

Veterans Day

Veteran’s Day

My hair is grayed in just the past few days… the years I feel in moments.

Today is Veterans Day and making connections to the past.  That long gray line of ancestor’s family and friends that rest amid that sea of stone.  Those who have protected freedom passed thoughts though our minds, may we never take for granted.

Wouldn't you love it, if there were only 3 reasons that anythingever happened in time and space: Because I love you...Because you love them... orBecause they love you? Yeah, that was a trick question. There are only 3 reasons that anything everhappens.
I love you,      The Universe